Berlin, 01.04.2020

TISAX Certification

The Effekt-Etage has successfully completed the TISAX audit for information processing with “very high protection requirements” for the automotive industry. The comprehensive assessment was passed in the first assessment cycle with an above-average rating.

TISAX stands for “Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange” and is a standard for information security developed by the automotive industry. It is intended to ensure that everyone involved in the value chain has a comparable level of IT security.


About Effekt-Etage

Effekt-Etage specialises in visualisation as well as digital brand and product experiences. The company develops scalable solutions for the entire Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) process and holistic digital applications.

From data preparation in order to create a digital product twin to the creation and implementation of all media across all touchpoints of a modern user journey, Effekt-Etage covers a wide range of services. The portfolio includes: the conversion of design data, virtual film and photo shoots, product configurators, as well as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and holistic app / web applications.

Would you like to know more about us?
Just contact us by mail:
presse@effekt-etage.deor via phone:+49 30 616 558 30