Mercedes-Benz "Santa Class"
A configurator for the slightly different product. Merry Christmas with the “Santa Class”.
As part of a Mercedes-Benz Christmas campaign, a configurator similar to the Mercedes Online Configurator should be created. With one difference: Sledges are configured instead of vehicles.

Starting with a historical Silver Arrow, the G-Class and the concept car F015, our digital artists transferred their characteristic design features to the respective sledge design. Reindeer created on the computer serve as drive. Even a hybrid drive in the form of reindeer and horses could be selected. In addition to these and other product features, the entire winter scenery was also created on the computer.
Our digital artists worked closely with our developers, who implemented the front and back end development.
In an interactive 360° view, the matching Mercedes sledge for Santa Claus can be configured online. In addition, completed configurations could be divided into social media channels or sent as a personal Christmas greeting to family and friends via e-card. Rolled out in over 20 languages, Santa Claus has definitely found his new sledge.